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804 B


Welcome to the Hardware quest! There are three levels of difficulty in it, but foe all of the tasks the main idea is to fine a password that unlocks the board. To do it, you need to dump the firmware from the board and than reverse engineer it.

Dump firmware

You can use OpenOCD to dump the firmware from STM32F103 mcu:

openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f1x.cfg -c init -c "reset halt" -c "flash read_bank 0 firmware_gold.bin 0 0x10000" -c "reset" -c shutdown


  1. The following command may be used to dump the firmware from the board with the Ghidra software:
  • Press I and add firmware_gold.bin
  • Choose ARM-Cortex-32-little
  • And:

  • Analyze -> YES, select ALL options, press Apply and finaly press Analyze.